Hills and Humidity
Wednesday 7/12: Borough Park, Sunset Park
Distance: 7.36 miles
Time: 1:00
Pace: 8:09
Temp: 79
Dewpoint: 72
Weather: overcast
Click on image for interactive map
Unique Miles Today: 7.18
Total Unique Miles: 95.78
Percent of Brooklyn Run: 5.50
Route: Start at McDonald and Avenue I, then over on Dahill one block to 50th St. West on 50th all the way to 1st Avenue, then up to 49th St, and back to 18th Avenue, then up to Marlborough and ending at Marlborough and Dorchester. Along the way there were two dead ends: the little part of 49th that ends by the subway tracks, and a very small part of 19th Ave.
Notes: So humid this morning! But a cool route nonetheless, with that big hill heading into Sunset Park (and back down going back into Borough Park. I'm beginning to really like the parts of Sunset Park I've seen, too, though I'd be hard-pressed to give any specific reasons why.
While I think about it, here are a few photos from today's run:
Grocery Store on McDonald
On 49th Street
On 50th Street
Borough Park
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