Special Monday "Runs Brooklyn Index" Edition
Total number of runs so far (since I started on June 25): 16
Total miles: 133.28
Total unique miles: 124.50
Approximate miles remaining: 1617.86
Approximate percentage of Brooklyn streets run: 7.15
Total time spent running, in hours, minutes: 18:25
Average run length, in miles: 8.29
Average run length, in minutes: 69:04
Average pace, in minutes per mile: 8:17
Minimum number of neighborhoods visited: 25
Number of different subway lines used to get to or from runs: 7
Number of different subway stops used: 14
Minutes spent waiting for the 2 train at the Flatbush Ave stop: 25
Cost (in $) of a pair of my favorite New Balance running shoes: 90
Number of miles I usually get out of a pair of these shoes: 400
Approximate prorated cost of shoes per run, in dollars: 1.87
Number of pairs my sister Mel gave me for Christmas last year: 2
Years Mel ran cross-country for an NCAA division I university: 4
Times it rained during a run: 3
Times it wasn't noticeably humid: 2
Average Brooklyn high temperature on July 17, in degrees: 85
Average high temperature on November 17: 53
Minimum number of times yesterday I wished it was November: 3
Number of days until November: 106
Perfect running temperature for me, in degrees: 45
Temperature at start of my fastest marathon (3:30): 47
Temperature at start of my slowest (4:08): 76
Coldest temperature I've ever run in (in Iowa City, Iowa): -14
Hottest temperature I've ever run in (in Pueblo, Colorado): 98
Relative humidity (in %) for that 98-degree run: 10
Probability (in %) the humidity will ever be that low in Brooklyn: 0
Number of emergency bathroom stops made on runs so far: 1
Percentage of these stops made at a McDonald's: 100
Number of times I've eaten McDonald's food in the past decade: 0
Dirty looks I got from a woman on the sidewalk in East Flatbush: 1
Number of water bottles I dropped on her foot: 1
Probability (in %) these two things are related: 100
Another great post!
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