Of Dewpoints and Milestones
Wednesday 8/02: Greenpoint and East Williamsburg
Distance: 5.05 miles
Time: 0:40
Pace: 7:55
Temp: 86
Dewpoint: 74
Weather: absurdly warm & humid
click on image for interactive map
Unique Miles Today: 4.82
Total Unique Miles: 175.87
Percent of Brooklyn Run: 10.09
Route: I started at the corner of Eckford and Meserole Ave, then took Meserole east to N. Henry, then south to Nassau, east to Varick, south under the BQE to Cherry, west to Porter, south to Division, and west to Vandervoort. I continued south on Vandervoort to Grand (with a short detour down the dead-end Rewe and Ivy Hill Streets), then west to Morgan, south to Johnson, and west to Graham (plus the dead-end Bogart). I finished by running north on Graham to Driggs, over a block to Eckford, up to Norman, and then west to Leonard.
Notes: Just when I thought it couldn't get any hotter... Seriously, I got up at 6:00 this morning in order to be on the road before seven, and it was already 84 degrees out! I'd already decided that I'd do another relatively short run, due to the oppressive heat and my lingering moving-related exhaustion (I swear, Kate's old apartment was the residential equivalent of one of those circus clown cars -- we just kept pulling stuff out of there, and every time I thought we were done, there'd be more), so I planned a little five-miler that'd keep me pretty close to home.
It was a cool route (figuratively, of course -- it was 86 degrees out by the time I started), which took me through by far the most industrial landscape I've encountered. On the plus side, these kinds of areas usually have less traffic, and there's a lot to see. On the other hand, death by forklift is a distinct possibility (those things can move!), and at least in this kind of weather, a hazy malodorous miasma hung low over the crumbling sidewalk. But I made it back home safely, where I plan to spend the rest of the day about three feet in front of our wheezing little air conditioner, thumbing through Sunday's Times and a few weeks' worth of the New Yorker that were finally forwarded to the new address yesterday.
BTW, I hit a minor milestone this morning -- I'm into double digits now on my "percent of Brooklyn Run" calculation. Only 90% left! Now that's a pretty humbling thought...
Some photos from today's run:
Nassau Avenue
Outside a cleaning supply place (on Vandervoort)
Also on Vandervoort Avenue
When letters go bad (Johnson Avenue)
That photo of the cleaning supply place is great.
Hope you can find some relatively cool/shady places for runs during the heat wave!
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