27 August 2006

Rainy Day in Gravesend (and Pretty Much All of Brooklyn, for that Matter)

Sunday 8/27: Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Dyker Heights

11.79 miles
Time: 1:30
Pace: 7:38
Temp: 67
Dewpoint: 60
Weather: cloudy, showers

click on image for interactive map

Unique Miles Today: 11.50
Total Unique Miles:
Percent of Brooklyn Run:

Route: Today's start was at McDonald and 65th, after which I headed NW on 65th to W. 4th, south to Avenue U, over a block to W. 5th and back up to 65th, west another block to W. 6th and then south to 86th, over to W. 7th and back up to Bay Parkway. Then I headed down a block to 67th, went west to 19th Avenue, down a block to 68th, west all the way to 7th Avenue, south to 78th, back east to Kings Highway, and on to McDonald before heading north to Quentin and west one block to Dahill.

Notes: Despite the lingering soreness in my heels, I figured the day off yesterday (yes, I got quite a bit of reading done) and the cooler temperatures would warrant a longer run today. To play it safe, though, I only planned a 90-minute jaunt, which makes it my shortest "long" run thus far, only ten minutes longer than my run last Wednesday. But that particular run was probably too long for a daily outing anyway, most of which have been creeping up in length even as I am finding myself more given to fatigue, soreness, and other symptoms of overdoing things. I'm really going to try to keep the daily runs at around an hour (which at my current pace would give me between 7.4 and 7.8 miles), and resist the temptation to tack on an extra ten or fifteen minutes to knock out a few extra segments of road.

With today's run I also resisted doing a big multi-neighborhood tour, which I'm sometimes fond of on my longer runs. Maybe it's the weather, but today's route was a pragmatic attempt to fill in some of the map with my orange highlighter in the southwest reaches of the borough. Not the most exciting course, but then again, I picked up over eleven unique miles, taking me over the 18 percent mark (I ought to go over 20 around a week from now).

This gloomy, showery weather is not bad for running (I actually enjoy running in a light rain, usually), but is not so great for photography (especially with an inexpensive camera which doesn't do so well in low lighting conditions). Here are a few shots from today's efforts, nonetheless:

Kings Highway, Gravesend

W. 6th Street

Fancy houses on W. 6th

Barber shop on W. 7th Street

Mosaic in McKinley Park, Dyker Heights


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