04 September 2006

Sticking to the Union

Yes, it's that day where we celebrate the working people of our great nation, with an emphasis on the organized labor movement, despite the fact that only like 12% of American workers belong to a union these days (and that many unions have become as bloated and self-serving as the corporations they've ostensibly been devised to oppose). Still, although my life has been one of relative privilege and leisure compared to, say, factory workers in the 1930s, I, myself, have been a union member for most of my adult years: I was with the CWA for a year (1987-1988), the IBEW for over eight (local 827, 1988-1996), and the UE (local 896) from 1999-2006. Admittedly, my UE membership was through the graduate student union at the University of Iowa -- I wasn't exactly working in a sweatshop or anything -- but, hey, I paid dues every month. Anyway, as someone trained in history I do realize the importance of the labor movement in our nation's past, and so maybe it's good for all of us to take a moment to remember the hard work and sacrifices of America's workers over the years, even as we head off to shop the Labor Day sales at the mall or squeeze in one last day of summer vacation. Either way, I'm not running today, and that feels pretty good.

Speaking of running, I've been working on all kinds of ways to revamp my strategies for covering the whole borough, trying to come up with plans to both save time and wear and tear on my aching body. I'll keep going at my self-destructive pace for the next two weeks or so (until I reach the 25% milestone), and after a week of rest I'll implement these new plans (which will probably include things like running four days a week instead of five and eliminating a longer run on weekends). Despite this plan to cut back, I still ought to be nearing the halfway point by the end of the year.

Bonus off-day photo:

You know, when I was a kid we were lucky if we had 60% playgrounds! (Glenwood & 100th Street in Canarsie)


At 11:05 PM, Blogger Claude Scales said...

Love it. No moping allowed -- just play!

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog, and for the link.

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Robert said...

The writer is totally right, and there is no skepticism.
here | check | get it


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